1st Yudhvir Memorial Award
Late Kalidas Kashikar
For his services to journalism by Late Gopal Rao Ekbote, Retd. Chief Justice, AP High Court
Keynote address by Late Inder Kumar Gujral, Former Minister for External Affairs, Govt of India on “Journalist as a Crusader

Late Shri Kalidas Kashikar was a fearless propagator of national integration and of the spread of Hindi in non-speaking areas through journalism. He was a regular contributor of articles in Hindi and Urdu on great Indian personalities. He worked very closely with Late Shri Yudhvir for almost 40 years of his life.
Besides journalism, he was a regular contributor to All India Radio for various literary programmes. He was also an active participant in the Library Movement of Andhra Pradesh.
Shri Kalidas Kashikar passed away on 21st June 2007.