11th Yudhvir Memorial Award
Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan
For his crusade against corruption in public life in India by H.E. Dr. C Rangarajan, Governor of Andhra Pradesh
A graduate in medicine, Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan joined IAS in 1980 and rendered distinguished service in a variety of jobs in the State for 16 years. Moved by the prevalence of corruption in various forms in every field, he decided to embark on a course of drastic action for stumming the rot. Resigning from IAS at the prime of his promising career, he founded the Foundation for Democratic Reforms in 1996. It is a Think Tank and a Resource Centre for reforms in Governance. It was followed next year by the establishment of the Lok Satta, a non-partisan movement for democratic reforms. These organisations have achieved significant successes in their campaign for grass-root reforms like the issue of the Citizen’s Charter by public bodies, and the Right to Information. They also highlighted electoral corruption and suggested practical remedies. His realism and optimism has inspired the young and old alike to join him. They have generated similar initiatives in some other States also.
Because of crass opportunism and falling political and official standards, there is a growing feeling of despondency in the public at large. In such a situation, his extraordinary courage of conviction, his vision of an ideal polity, his unfailing optimism and perseverance has kindled new hope for the future of India. He has thus upheld the ideals for which the late Yudhvir fought all his life.
The trustees of the Yudhvir Foundation have therefore great pleasure in conferring on Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan the Eleventh Yudhvir Memorial Award for outstanding contribution in the cause of good governance. While doing so, they wish him long life, good health, and continuing successes in his crusade.